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A Lovers Paradise

 George Brown Botanical Gardens: A Lovers' Paradise Let the beauty of George Brown Botanical Gardens be the backdrop for your love story. It's more than a visit; it's an experience you'll treasure forever. The Allure of Botanical Gardens for Couples Let's be honest – botanical gardens are inherently romantic. The lush greenery, colourful flowers, and tranquil atmosphere create a natural backdrop for love to blossom. Whether in the early stages of a relationship or celebrating years together, there's something undeniably special about strolling hand-in-hand through nature's beauty. Why George Brown Stands Out While any botanical garden holds romantic potential, the George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens elevates the experience. Situated in the heart of Darwin, this tropical oasis offers a unique blend of exotic plants, enchanting pathways, and hidden corners perfect for whispered secrets and stolen kisses. More Than Just Plants Sure, the plant collection is impr

Intelligent Systems Our Data Your Worth

How we move into the future is dependent on our ability to make sense Before fact is rationalised gut feeling is digested Before each step is taken we fall Dig deep into your values Enter into your hidden caves Delve deeply Find those values that emerge only once crisis and panic in evident The issue is time The problem is the compacting of intensity as each deadline approaches What will change ignores those who cannot Those who cannot change are left behind In isolation  As a useless dog barking at the cold dark night Once data is benchmarked Once the vision is realized Once pathways are scratched Once milestones are configured The journey is described The future becomes present Transverse within multitudes of mindscapes  Lose yourself within ifs and buts Intoxicate yourself within white ant whispers On your knees in harmonious prayer and in communal solitude  Within and already placed to the side The patterns of biomorphic

Godin Threat

The lessons of history are written by vested interests Where you placed your foot And which information you are were willing to consume That's fantastic, you were in control of something  But it changed Goodbye profitable time Reflect on what could have been What did you learn from the missed opportunity Now gain control by sponsoring the change  Along came a spider  How do you digest a threat? You were right here Now you are nowhere to be seen You have become the product And now your worth depends on your response Put your hands on your head On your knees On your eyes Did that make you feel better? Did you feel safer Rate your happiness Knowing that the spider is inside One to five stars One-off sponsorship You Tube

My Favourite Image of the Week 008

Image  This is not me, but I know I am there With similar wants and needs I am there every day Which ever context the terrain manifests I control my knowing of good fortune and my acknowledgement of existence There will only ever be now Put your best thought forward Let it enrich your presence Be your endeavor Make meaning Make your own history to strive forward Understand and plan yesterday's circumstances Make the already a given What was then the past, will be the fabrication of now Put aside the fragrant whispers, the promises of new Your game is determined by your placement Your unique contribution is determined by this context Your now is your past in disguise Forever borrowing, the language of sense making is reliant on yesterday's understanding What is done today was created yesterday and will determine  tomorrow

Intelligent Systems Future looks Backwards

Intelligent Systems: Future looks Backwards That is a lie Sir In this house of fear, your law does not abide No questions are asked,  no answers are given Manifested understanding is the transaction premise Where continuous ceremony induces parallel reality You cannot enter softened by law Where to shared misery and stealth is suffice When shared fear empowers control How we are at each other's back, ready to attack, ready to fear My church is disciplined to our vision Our constitution, our order, our prodigy, our marvelousness In our concoction of stench, mayhem is regulated And within, the sweet scent of exclusivity and the noise and the symbols of power we feed on each other We in brotherhood are unabandoned We are self-devoted to our purpose I as we What is to be achieved will be gained Sir, you have no jurisdiction in this domain You may enter under house rules You may enter under nomination You may enter under association And whilst you hang on, ou

My Favourite Image of the Week 007

OCTOPUS QUEEN #SFXMakeupArtist #ElenEmber (@embregim) A post shared by BETWEEN MIRRORS (@between.mirrors) on  Nov 9, 2017 at 4:36am PST Like the god industry, our failure is in our image making Recruitment to our image has been our detriment Our cultural enterprise is lost in its image We have fallen into our own reflection And we will eventually drown in this manifestation Without encouraging  dissent our story won't end well In this event of self-normalisation Unconscious bias flourishes. Legacies gain strength Bags become heavier Until it is only what we believe is what we see Without questioning nothing is gained No creativity No innovation No transformation No step forward Incremental stagnation clogs our veins Clogs our will Clogs our want The at-hand-problem is to enable thinking Within the individual Within the family Within the school Within the community Within the organization Within the nation Within bilateral partnerships Que

Intelligent Systems Observer

Share a moment with me as this night falls There is no happy ever after,  just don't buy into it Media repetition is controlling your normalization Consumption and fearing Your once chance has become a placement within a detention center And in this confined space you are incited to consume and fear Where in debt to charity you have no choice to walk away An accepted loss of ownership claimed by proprietary voice Belief has been organized To profit from disenchantment To dis-empower collective disbelief Don't let your children follow you A dead-end concludes this dead path Profit follows you like a Komodo dragon It follows your foul scent when excreted through loss of expectation As you throw out virtue to make space to amass junk The bite will force a question Amputation or Death But only you can recognize choice As alone a decision can be acted

My Favourite Image of the Week 006

Empty Patch in the Sky #SpaceScience NASA/ESA + Hubble Space Telescope Am I driving myself backwards or am I falling myself forwards My face feels ripped by the speed of contradiction This feels quite normal - doom, destruction, power, explosion, and drift In with a chance but blown away by the spectacular Like riding a rocking horse Easy to move but never getting anywhere Am I right to waste this energy My loss or societal This fog is temperamental I cannot get an exact answer I cannot deduct The holes in my space keeps opening and closing Too fast to respond I am never there, never in the right position Forever thinking post-event but never in-event Looking for hints, clutching at nothingness What is visible and what is behind that I cannot see I'll cry like a baby and then suddenly stop Cry stop cry stop never to look back in-fear In-fear of fear Where am I in this formation? Did I contribute to this empty patch? Is that really me? Did you see me

Intelligent Systems Bias Towards Psychosis

In our time of exponential growth IT came into existence  We in desperation to profit  To gain a competitive edge IT prospered  An irrepressible force Ignoring great warning and prediction  There is gain to be made  When in mass disruption IT persisted An irrepressible change emerged Through mischief a chance opportunity to pervert opened A window - a door opened for the hidden Audacious human endeavour  Then  that was crushed  Then those were denied Through profit, IT was programmed to resist benevolence  So soon(lie) freewill was questioned Well-being, safety and the mantra of care submerge drowned out all human repulsion Protection from those who would do us harm Normalisation  IT made claim  Humanity contained by those who profit Through the profit of care Mapping emotional intent  Subjugated behavior mapped Recognition algorithm  Methods of prediction  Controlled manner IT  controlled the fear in us through

My favourite image of the Week 005

Seymour Standing under a Tree, 1859 Whistler, James McNeill American, 1834 - 1903 In all relationships, there is a need to admire. Whether in your family or whether in your place, stop and admire. Who you are and what you have become. In transience enjoy the spectre of admiration. Enjoy the dread of mortality. Enjoy the sense of self-passing. Enjoy your individual acts.  They are short in time. Admire your shortened moments. In space that lingers. Within your key constructs of your inner-self. There is time to self-evaluate and self-praise. In this short time build your own sense of self-worth. Are you able to predict your condition? Are you able to restore your own behaviour? Are you the property  owner of your oneself? Are you the object of your environment? Are you the inhabitant of your condition? Are you in control of your laboratory? Stand within your problem. Orientate to recognise your placed within this transient realm. And i

Intelligent Systems Apartment view

If I was to design a city It would be based on palm fronds Folding, sweeping, bending and contorting to landform Branching and networking in organic and rhythmic juxtapositions Interconnection and transposing within changing directions Allowing for air flow Allowing for negative space Allowing for intertwinement The grid buried beneath, as an ancient relic   

My favourite image of the Week 004

Breakfast piece Herbert Badham1936 There are multiple reference points There are multiple perspectives I am on the ladder I am against the ceiling I am standing in authority I am not sitting with her I am not with her I must continually juxtapose Within this disorientation, the arrangement is seemingly orderly The painter, the authoritative who cannot decide The seated lost within time and place The pawn as the egg waiting on removal Should I be more concerned with the flowers precarious standing on edge Or the sense of a contained cell-like melancholy A draughtsman at loss with the within presence

My favourite image of the Week 003

Death Note Shinigami Ryuk From above Watching, casting and preying Crossing boundaries of belief Interpretations of self, questioning justice, making profound decisions Buried deep within, a want to make meaningful action Lost in transversed boredom Lost within duty There is no care whilst self seeking empathy Accepting the forbidden to forsake folly, deceit and corruption This game is deception In this game temptation is formed by opportunity and the seeking of help The partnership of do good and the intent Place, situation and delusion

Intelligent Systems Fall

Was there was a way to resolve? Before the slaughter began If there was a to reconcile? The living would have fewer martyrs? Why are the decisions of the few never questioned and made accountable? And, is it more important to believe than to know? This base position of recklessness  determines a lasting continuum of falling from, hiding from, excusing and reevaluating known-ness So the machine keeps propagating The fallen gave their's so we can have ours With full adoration and support from the populace Who have never known to over think With keeping it simple stupid flattening progressive analysis Questioning has become demonstratively disrespectful The most palatable deceptions are those that are thin and moral. Mantras of nonsense The predetermined dead fall as expected To reconcile worthlessness the predetermined dead are held up in esteem Our authoritative must build this destination Our  authoritative must not self-doubt in hopeless realization Our au

Park and Shop

What has been visioned as a cleanly planned future. With all boxes ticked. Harmonious with nature, functional and efficient. The promises that life is good. Living the advertisement. Park your car under a tree and shop.

Leading Britain's populous trainwreck

Image At its height (1922), the British Empire governed a fifth of the world’s population and a quarter of the world’s total land area. In general and in the main the British public are proud of their country’s role in colonialism and the British Empire. In 1899 Alfred Russel Wallace referred to colony people as subject races and British colony management as a strange mixture of good and evil. Evil being the man-made famines, slave trading, ethnic cleansing and day-to-day violence of empire. Now that the evil has been forgotten (scratched out), the colonial era is viewed as the long-lost empire. YouGov found  44 percent  were proud of Britain’s history of colonialism. It is obvious to me that British education system needs to include Britain's imperial brutality to shift this misunderstanding.  https://static.ind

My favourite image of the week 002

MY FAVORITE IMAGE OF THE WEEK 23.9.17 #myfavoriteimage Shamini Mylapore Festival 2017 I can see the treasure of myths circulating between godliness and normality Breaking through the walls of today Reminding those of us trapped in the haste of work and process There is a time within nothing matters, that where imagination reigns Bringing forth and into light, transience and wonder If only I could have been there to see flight and fight  and experience the tearing of perceptual fabric 

Intelligent Systems Duo

How should we structure schools to help students  to make the learning choices  they really want to make? Is this about self-control within a controlled environment? Is learning a self-control problem? Do teachers really understand how school environments shape students' cognitive decision-making how much self-control does a student needs to learn to make good decisions? What can school leaders do  that positively structures the learning environment  that helps students to self-control choice? Self-control is an executive function. Self-control is a mental skill. Self-control is a cognitive action. Learning to make important decisions  requires schools to create the environments  where students gain self-control.

My favourite image of the week 001

My Favorite Image of the Week 16.9.17 #myfavoriteimage 【素材】 もみじ | 衣@瀕死  #pixiv I can see the timeless universe through seasonal leaves Calling me from afar my being is hoisted high Keeping my feet to ground  My body is warmed underneath blankets of growth With flames behind me and the wonderous in front I am flying and stationary  Alive and in motion In time and in place My life intent Knowing mortality within expanse I can sleep and dream

Hole in the Wall: The Tide Formed My Pool

The Tide Formed My Pool When the tide wash in from billions of kilometers away. I found myself tossed within the mirth. And within this stirred up sentiment. In the rubbish and the forgotten. I became my new reality. The one of prosperity and r eal economic growth. As best described by the social commentators of the day. Despite the widening gap that separates the haves and have nots. And the separatists and the terrorists. And the defenders of old orders and wants of youth. And the arguments that form the threats of war My new found contentment places me. Within the data of acceptable trends. Within what is normal for my age. My gender. My genetical heritage. Then as forecasted, the tide seeped out. And so began the new realities and our new stories that had to be acquired. Just look at me, as I shine under the cyclical moonlight. As now in true fullness, I bloom and reflect calm beauty. In stillness and patience, I make little comment. I shingle and spa

Hole in the Wall: Pool Time

Hole in the Wall: Pool Time I wanted to fly to another planet, but I first built this swimming pool. My dreams just started getting away from me, and then I let them go. In the heat of the day, I plunge into my pool. My refreshing water. I own it. I work for it. When I'm tired of my thoughts I submerge into it. When I'm confused and in panic, I fall gently into it. I emerge feeling invigorated and comforted. Continuation seems so easy once and only after submerging in my cool clear water. My dreams to transform my life never eventuated. I knew it once, when  I was promised myself to achieve. I could aspire. You never fail when you attempt to chase. Somewhere I needed to reconcile between the obtainable haves and impossible wants. Have I succumbed to failed by fabricating my mediocrity prison of pleasure? Am I floating in falsehood Am I wallowing in water of hindrance? I built and tender to this my own 3-meter submersion of comfort. In my moment before

Moon over Desert

Hole in the Wall: Moon over Desert Within solitude, there is self-beauty to be discovered. Engage silence and dismiss the want to share. And dismiss the necessity to be liked. And love the abstract of your abyss. Be satisfied by the soiling and scratching of time. Whilst crawling and scampering throughout. The same mistakes. The same divisions. The same crisis. When secrets have long passed their importance. And the desert sea shimmers under full moon. Recognise that glorious intent is cyclical. Without thought and without hoopla grasp this intent. Without the need. Without the seeing. What is fully understood is quickly dismissed. Your story has the greater impact. Your synthesis of fact diminishes being. Nothing will hurt you in your solitude. Within cyclic patterns enable the time to feel your situation. What is in determinism. As an insect in forrige. And thankful for the ambient light. The casting your domain is difficult to define. Let in the univ