
Showing posts from March, 2014

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Welcome Home

 Our Gated Community Welcome Home Story Step into a world where technology and nature intertwine seamlessly. Breathe in the air, crisp and pure, and let the meticulously crafted landscape fill you with serenity. In this haven, we've harnessed the power of AI to elevate nature to its most sublime state. Every leaf, every blade of grass, exists in perfect harmony, a testament to human ingenuity and our mastery over the elements. Outside these walls, they grapple with the chaos of a world left to its own devices. They complain and protest but fail to see the beauty we've created. Within this gated community, you are entitled to tranquillity and perfection. Welcome to a world where nature bends to our will and technology caters to our desires. Welcome home. JJFBbennett music   Keywords AI-generated nature, Artificial reality, Dystopian world, Hypostyle Hall, Illusion vs. reality, Technology dependence, Detachment from nature...

Surplus of university graduates - academic unemployment

In  the fast  growing region in the  world there   is  high levels of unemployment of university graduates. India, China, Malaysia and Hong Kong are all experiencing a surplus of university graduates. In China there are over 6 million unemployed graduates and This has led to a questioning of education standards and the capabilities of the graduates. Business says they do not have the skills for the 21st century.  This has led to a questioning of the value of exam-based learning and the promise of white-collar jobs. Look at the World Economic forum and scroll down and look at the global dimensions of unemployment for your people. Educating or unemployment. The issue of youth unemployment is a significant issue for Australia. A...

PISA and Education Reform.

PISA and Education Reform. This ABC Hindsight program discusses why Finland reformed its education system in the 1970s. Pasi  Sahlburg, a former director of Education in Finland discusses  how Finland has achieved success and the important role of teacher quality and teacher training. This is an excellent discussion, as it covers the purpose of change and the strategic processes employed to gain achievement. The discussion also highlights the need of countries to make reform . PISA is a reflective tool which countries can validate against and use to make reform . Australia is different  to  Finland and as this discussion implicitly identifies – as the world changes nations need to reform their approach to education. It could be that Finland got it right for an era the Industrial era (which the PISA testing m...

Is education a global competition?

Question: Is education a global competition?  Australia's schools are failing and are behind other countries across the globe. Jo Tovey from the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reports on the PISA 2009 results for Australia. Does this impression of global competition mean that Australian teachers and students are in a global race?  Sydney Morning Herald 2006: OECD report finds Australian students falling behind Tovey's report identifies a reason for Australia's performance relative to other nations and highlights growing inequalities between rich and poor as a reason for Australia's ranking. Sydney Morning Herald 2013: Too many losers in divided education system   Does this impression of global competition mean that Australian teachers and students should behave like they are in a  global race? This question is complicated as it pre-states an assumption based on problem identification and action. I am not sure what percent of teachers are aware of the PIS...

Globalization of Eductation

Readings: Global Student Mobility in the Asia Pacific: Mobility, Migration, Security and Well-being of international students: Two cultures in science : Science, Engineering and mathematics in Crisis : Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in the National Interest: A Strategic Approach in July 2013 : Globalization and the Australian Dream : The following discussion is based on personal understandings in association with the signifi...