
Showing posts from January, 2021

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Welcome Home

 Our Gated Community Welcome Home Story Step into a world where technology and nature intertwine seamlessly. Breathe in the air, crisp and pure, and let the meticulously crafted landscape fill you with serenity. In this haven, we've harnessed the power of AI to elevate nature to its most sublime state. Every leaf, every blade of grass, exists in perfect harmony, a testament to human ingenuity and our mastery over the elements. Outside these walls, they grapple with the chaos of a world left to its own devices. They complain and protest but fail to see the beauty we've created. Within this gated community, you are entitled to tranquillity and perfection. Welcome to a world where nature bends to our will and technology caters to our desires. Welcome home. JJFBbennett music   Keywords AI-generated nature, Artificial reality, Dystopian world, Hypostyle Hall, Illusion vs. reality, Technology dependence, Detachment from nature...

Motorcycle To East Point

  Selfie Helmeted Up Through the Dash of a Z900 One-off sponsorship You Tube


  When.  Constructing a public identity. Making coherence. Being rational. Displaying self-regulation. There are four selves. Whilst. On the front stage. Broadcasting. Under Constant Surveillance. Privacy becomes a threat. Outsiders are no longer welcome. In Fragmentation. Instability. Multiple realities. The burning of bridges. Work-life is paramount. One-off sponsorship You Tube

Darwin Sidewalk

  Listen for the faint sounds of weeping. To reestablish your direction. The path you are on. Your dreams and visions. The need to feel above. Above the underworld. Fighting each weakness to fail. Each diversion that beckons. Seeking the shortcomings of each perfection. The same street. Is no longer recognizable. It is time to search. For a catalyst.  For an ornament.  For a precious memory. Sacredness and control. Through self-reflection. And thinking about thinking. Too hectic to wade through the complications. The science, values, and imperatives. The social categories in disagreement. We are polarised. By our relationship to reality. By our bond to our peers.  By conflicts that form identity. The kind of person you are. Who you share your values with. Who you are trusted by. Who understands you. Small conversations. That involves acceptable lies.  To get on each other's side. Trying to imagine where we can agree. By avoiding disagreements. And points of view...

Are you on the bus

  Are you on the bus? What is your destination? Will you cross the road? What is behind the machine? The privilege of possessing a curious mind and an urge to make sense. When Flinders circumnavigated New Holland. He took Trim. Suitable for service. Faithful and affectionate. So it became. Forging ahead and getting around restrictions. Breaking national protections. Cutting the red tape. To this day Encroachments are made to preserve Australia's prosperity. And maximizing returns, by reorganizing structures. To maintain productivity and continuous growth. Video Remembering what the imperial powers set in place. Civilization, Christianity, and Commerce. The essential values to justify achievement and superiority. To inflict an ideological belief of inferiority. And to punish cultures into subservience and dependency. Masters and soldier ants. Each time we try to free ourselves.  Sovereign power adjusts its grid of discipline. A correction to form a new normal. A nation of doc...