
Showing posts from December, 2012

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The Hypostyle Hall

  The Gated Hypostyle Entry Description Explore a world where AI-crafted nature blurs the lines of reality. In this dystopian story, the Hypostyle Hall offers a glimpse of truth, challenging humanity's reliance on technology and their detachment from the physical world. Keywords AI-generated nature, Artificial reality, Dystopian world, Hypostyle Hall, Illusion vs. reality, Technology dependence, Detachment from nature, Superficiality, Alternative universe, Science fiction, AI integration, Authenticity, Gated Hashtags #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Dystopia #ScienceFiction #VirtualReality #Illusion #Technology #Nature #Environment #Authenticity #Storytelling #ConceptArt #DigitalArt #HypostyleHall #AlternativeUniverse #Security #Gated Stories from the Gated Hypostyle Story Overview This story describes an alternative universe where advanced technology and AI have created a perfect illusion of nature. The inhabitants of this world are oblivious to the artificiality of their environment ...

Education Drivers, Innovation, Culture and Targets

Education Drivers   (Fullan) personalised student centred capacity systemness System Needs & Change   (Clayton Christensen) efficiency (faster & cheaper) sustaining (improve current system needs), disruptive (make complicated solutions simpler) Enabler Technologies  internet ubiquitous mobile efficient (cost and HR support) rich content Purpose and Target Doing the same things the same way will not work Move from a centralised authority to a discreet and   targeted system focus on targeted client audiences (not at the system middle) view schools as interconnected cottage industries focus on teaching and learning work practices (Hattie) Why, then how then  what  Innovation and Culture innovation is as important for leaders as strategy and operational excellence Innovation to enable continuous improvement (not big bang) Disciplined, deliberate, relentless Developing business units cultur...

Strategy and Culture

Culture eats strategy  Culture can be identified in a business unit's artifacts : vision,  norms,  symbols,  beliefs,  behaviors, and  traditions. Strategy - successful strategies need supportive cultures.   Issue Q : How does a business unit get the best out of strategy in periods of uncertainty and structural change. (How do you get buy-in to achieve what needs to be achieved?) ---------------------------------------------------   The Culture of a Business Unit   Business Unit Questions: How do our artifacts describe us? What artifacts actively attracts people to use our services? What artifacts actively discourage success? Immediate culture questions Vision and Mission  how is the vision made evident throughout all of our activities? is the vision and mission persuasive?  Collaboration  how do our projects cross support and benefit each other? Education  how do...