
Showing posts from November, 2023

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Welcome Home

 Our Gated Community Welcome Home Story Step into a world where technology and nature intertwine seamlessly. Breathe in the air, crisp and pure, and let the meticulously crafted landscape fill you with serenity. In this haven, we've harnessed the power of AI to elevate nature to its most sublime state. Every leaf, every blade of grass, exists in perfect harmony, a testament to human ingenuity and our mastery over the elements. Outside these walls, they grapple with the chaos of a world left to its own devices. They complain and protest but fail to see the beauty we've created. Within this gated community, you are entitled to tranquillity and perfection. Welcome to a world where nature bends to our will and technology caters to our desires. Welcome home. JJFBbennett music   Keywords AI-generated nature, Artificial reality, Dystopian world, Hypostyle Hall, Illusion vs. reality, Technology dependence, Detachment from nature...

A Holistic Approach to Life

  Imagine a world where people find joy and purpose in various leisure activities and where community development and individual growth are approached holistically. Well-being encompasses health, education, the economy, and the environment, and urban spaces are harmonious connections between humans and nature. People of different ages come together in shared spaces to engage in activities that foster continuous learning and skill development. Technological advancements synergise with nature to enhance the natural environment while promoting community engagement and sustainable living. In this city, people actively think critically and problem-solve to address local and global issues. Personal fulfilment, societal responsibility, and collective well-being are the values that guide this intelligent and living city. JJFBbennett John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an independent artist. You can subscribe to JJFB's work via Blogger , YouTube , Flicker ...

Unveiling the Secrets of the Night

  As the sun disappeared below the horizon, I strolled through a garden at night where the lines between reality and dreams were blurred. The moon, a quiet guardian above, bathed the garden in a gentle, silver light, transforming every leaf and petal into glistening jewels of the night. I watched the night-blooming flowers unfurl their petals in a silent, secret dance. They appeared to have whispered conversations with the stars above, sharing secrets of the night that day-dwellers like myself were seldom privy to. The air was filled with the symphony of insects and night birds, and their melody harmonized with the rustle of leaves in the gentle night breeze. I stopped by a pond, its surface a perfect reflection of the cosmos, with stars sparkling like diamonds scattered across its depth. The water rippled as night birds skimmed its surface, adding to the enchantment. This garden at night was a different realm, a world where the boundaries of time and space seemed to dissolve. Here...

The History of Whistle Blowers

  Why does the media portray whistleblowers’ information as shadowy? Whistleblowers are put under the spotlight, and the war criminals are not. Whistleblowers are made isolated and vulnerable by institutions. Forced between ethical duty and institutional obedience. A history of law enforcement that scatters whistleblowers to waste. The punishment of whistleblowers is a decline in our democratic values. Can you hear the powerful laugh as their legal responsibility is avoided? Whistleblowers are often considered unsung heroes in a world where the truth is often hidden. However, they find themselves in a paradoxical situation where they are celebrated for their bravery yet shunned by the institutions they try to expose. Those who reveal institutional and war crimes are genuinely remarkable and serve as the epitome of truth, yet they are often left vulnerable and isolated.  The struggle faced by whistleblowers is symbolic of a widespread war on transparency. Every time they reveal...

The Sky is Dark

  The sky is dark, and the clouds are gathering ominously. The earth beneath us is parched and cracked, and we know a storm is coming.  The problem is overwhelming, and yet we lack the sense of urgency and immediate action needed to address it.  We have all been crowded into large cities, where our voices are silenced and the needs of society neglected.  Our leaders act in secrecy and ignore our problems, leaving us feeling like we are being swept under the rug.  We stand at a crossroads, frozen by the weight and significance of the decision that we must make.  Our written histories show us that we have always been able to innovate, problem-solve, and transform when we come together.  Let us link arms in unity and face the sunrise. Together, we can transform into a collective community that believes in positive change.  We must demand that our elected leaders create a flourishing society that addresses and resolves the destructive problems we face...

Finding Focus and Direction in a Chaotic World

  As I watched the wasp, I couldn't help but think about the contrast between its focused energy and my scattered thoughts. Despite the wasp's potentially harmful sting, it moved with a sense of purpose and direction, sadly missing in my life. Its true strength lies in its ability to be present in the moment, to focus on the task at hand, and to move with intention and direction. I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds of the water flowing and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind. Gradually, I felt my mind become more calm and centred. When I opened my eyes again, the wasp had flown away, but its energy and sense of purpose lingered. I now make a conscious effort to be more present in the moment, to focus on the task at hand, and to move with intention and direction. I found that channelling my memories of the wasp enabled me to grasp a sense of peace and purpose even amid chaos. JJFBbennett John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an indepen...

Wasp in the Garden - Day in a Life

  Garden Wasp and Intentional Observation As I was enjoying the peacefulness of my tropical water garden, I came across a lone ground wasp. The sun was shining brightly, making its wings sparkle. My garden was a beautiful blend of colours and calm waters, a shared haven where the hive's chaos and all expectations were temporarily muted. I watched the wasp search among the leaves and petals daily, moving with purpose and precision. However, despite my outward calmness, my mind was filled with emotions and thoughts. Although the garden held a deep connection for us, my sense of belonging didn't transcend my commitments. The gentle sounds of the water flow and the rustling of leaves in the wind brought a rare moment of peace amid an otherwise stressful life. Is the wasp's ability to sting an advantage in finding peace of mind or a perceptual error created by my intentional observation? Finding Peace in a Chaotic World Day in a Life video For me, life is an ever-evolving journe...

Path of the Dragon

  As the sun rose in the morning, I took a peaceful walk along a winding path in my tropical garden. The air was filled with the distant calls of birds, creating a natural symphony. The path was lined with lush plants and flowering shrubs, inviting me deeper into this enchanting world, where every step felt like an adventure into the unknown. Suddenly, my peaceful walk was interrupted by a gigantic Komodo dragon. The dragon was basking in the sun right on my path. Its scaly skin shone in the sunlight, and its sharp eyes watched me intently. Although the dragon didn't seem to care about my presence, I couldn't continue my journey. This exciting and humbling encounter reminded me of long-lost memories of raw beauty and unpredictability. Path of the Dragon Reading JJFBbennett John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an independent artist. You can subscribe to JJFB's work via Blogger , YouTube , Flicker , Facebook , Instagram and Deviant Art .  To...

The Geese have Arrived

  This love mirrors the enduring beauty of nature itself.  A longing I cannot ignore. My heart swells with a warmth that matches the vibrancy of their arrival. The wet season shall soon be on us. JJFBbennett John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an independent artist. You can subscribe to JJFB's work via Blogger , YouTube , Flicker , Facebook , Instagram and Deviant Art .  To support his art creation, you can sponsor JJFBbennett through PayPal or a subscription via Patreon here . If you want to acquire JJFB's art creations as an NFT - John's Opensea NFT profile is   Be Creative and Innovative with Knowledge Copyright This artwork is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Distribution and/or modification of the artwork without written permission of the sponsor is prohibited.

You will find me in the garden.

  Every morning, I wake up to the gentle chirping of birds and the sweet scent of blooming flowers. It is a vibrant tapestry of colours and textures. The sun is just beginning to rise, casting a golden glow over the landscape. I take a deep breath and inhale the fresh morning air. It's filled with the intoxicating fragrance of tropical flowers. I can hear the gentle babbling of the fountain in the centre of the garden and the soft rustle of leaves as the breeze blows through the trees. JJFBbennett John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an independent artist. You can subscribe to JJFB's work via Blogger , YouTube , Flicker , Facebook , Instagram and Deviant Art .  To support his art creation, you can sponsor JJFBbennett through PayPal or a subscription via Patreon here . If you want to acquire JJFB's art creations as an NFT - John's Opensea NFT profile is   Be Creative and Innovative with Knowledge Copyri...

Leisure and Productivity - Day in a Life

  It's time for a change: workplaces need to weave leisure into the fabric of the workday. Incorporating leisure isn't a luxury; it's a strategy to rejuvenate our minds and spark creativity. Say goodbye to stress and hello to peak performance through leisure activities at work. Leisure shouldn't wait for the day's end; it's a vital piece of the productivity puzzle. When work includes leisure, satisfaction soars and engagement deepens. We are more than our output; we deserve a work-life balance celebrating our humanity. Imagine a workplace where leisure and labour dance in harmony, enhancing our intellect." Shift the focus: It's not just about being productive but about feeling fulfilled. An enriched workday awaits when we blend leisure seamlessly into our tasks. Let's champion a workplace revolution where leisure and work unite for a richer life experience. Leisure and Productivity - Day in a Life video It has to change. Workplaces must offer opport...

Life in a Maelstrom - Day in a Life

  In the relentless pursuit of success, I spent over two decades in the labyrinth of high-stress and unwavering work commitments. It was a relentless pursuit that exacted a heavy toll, leaving me, like many, on the brink of burnout.  Yet, amid this maelstrom, there existed a sanctuary, a realm that helped me to translate the ceaseless demands of my professional life: my art. It was not about the brush strokes, the melody of colours, and objective abstraction. It was about the silent whispers of my sacred creativity.  And now, as I contemplate the mundanities of low-powered life, I wonder how to regain my creative strength, how to rekindle the fire that once fuelled the excitement of the struggle. It is in the ordinary routine - washing dishes, cleaning, making lunch - and in the simple pleasures of resting with my dogs that I hope to find my way back to this path of inspiration.  Like a ghoul justifying trapped in a cage, this reflection is about taking a selfie in a...

Etched Rats and Crucifix

  The dystopian is creative. The situation is dire. The machines are malfunctioning and out of control.  Pestilence and viruses are rapidly spreading.  Our cities are in a state of chaos and disorder. We lost hope in our Leaders. They juxtapose for their future.  Grace trickles down to the favoured.  Haplessly anchored in hope. Etched Rats and Crucifix vPoem  -  JJFBbennett John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an independent artist. You can subscribe to JJFB's work via Blogger , YouTube , Flicker , Facebook , Instagram and Deviant Art .  To support his art creation, you can sponsor JJFBbennett through PayPal or a subscription via Patreon here . If you want to acquire JJFB's art creations as an NFT - John's Opensea NFT profile is   Be Creative and Innovative with Knowledge Copyright This artwork is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Distribution and/or mod...

Your Life Your Persona

  Your Life, Your Persona video What has shaped your life and persona? What holds you within yourself? Known unknowns. Known knowns. The enduring impact of your past experiences. The want of freedom and self-captivity.               JJFBbennett John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an independent artist. You can subscribe to JJFB's work via Blogger , YouTube , Flicker , Facebook , Instagram and Deviant Art .  To support his art creation, you can sponsor JJFBbennett through PayPal or a subscription via Patreon here . If you want to acquire JJFB's art creations as an NFT - John's Opensea NFT profile is   Be Creative and Innovative with Knowledge Copyright This artwork is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Distribution and/or modification of the artwork without written permission of the sponsor is prohibited.