
Showing posts from September, 2012

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Welcome Home

 Our Gated Community Welcome Home Story Step into a world where technology and nature intertwine seamlessly. Breathe in the air, crisp and pure, and let the meticulously crafted landscape fill you with serenity. In this haven, we've harnessed the power of AI to elevate nature to its most sublime state. Every leaf, every blade of grass, exists in perfect harmony, a testament to human ingenuity and our mastery over the elements. Outside these walls, they grapple with the chaos of a world left to its own devices. They complain and protest but fail to see the beauty we've created. Within this gated community, you are entitled to tranquillity and perfection. Welcome to a world where nature bends to our will and technology caters to our desires. Welcome home. JJFBbennett music   Keywords AI-generated nature, Artificial reality, Dystopian world, Hypostyle Hall, Illusion vs. reality, Technology dependence, Detachment from nature...

Open and Free: Forget privatisation of knowledge (it's so 20 centryish)

Why I like freedom Open Linux Open Ubuntu Open Google Forget privatisation of knowledge (it's so 20 centryish) If NASA can send an open source robot to the moon why can't you? One-off sponsorship You Tube

21st Century: The Learning Challenge

These notes are abbreviated; ebook text highlights and notes by JJFBbennett. I do promote the reading of this book to gain a deeper understanding of 21st C teaching and learning. 21st Century: Rethinking how students learn : Whilst the following notes are inspired by the book they are not directly associated with the book. The challenge To equip students with 21st Century skills. The connection  The link between skills and knowledge are interdependent Effective teaching requires students to learn skills  Life long learning ability requires adaptive learning skills Students need literacy and numeracy skills to have the fundamental capacities for lifelong learning Plan for the future Foreseeing what future skills students will need - is essential.  Teachers need to plan for adaptive learning skills. Teachers cannot focus only on present-day skills. The relationship between the educator and learner needs is key to students gaining 21st Century skills...

What needs to change in cricket to engage me

As an Australian, my cultural heritage was embedded heavily in cricket - through many hours of listening to, watching, playing, supporting, and discussing. I have now lost interest in the game - well more specifically test cricket, one-dayers, and now 20 20. Test cricket is just out of touch. One day games are too long and take too long to get engagement. Simply putting, I cannot dedicate one day to watch a game.  20 20 is slightly better but my interest falls from one 20 to the next 20 sessions. It is like reading two books one after the other. It is not a game it is two games connected by a score. So................. Get rid of test cricket. It is too centered on the players, ex-players, and a hand full of die-hards. It is tedious, there are too many non-events draws and is biased by climatic conditions. Borrrrring One day games just take too long. There are better things to do with a TV, mp3, or tablet. My day is too interesting to waste on one game. 20 20 is...