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From Statues to Sentinels

  From Statues to Sentinels Narration You know, I never thought I’d find myself in the heart of this mega-city. One night, wandering through a hidden park, I discovered statues that seemed to be alive. Among the sculptures is Sir Cedric, a knight whose marble exterior shines like steel. He believed he was the protector of this marvellous city.  The protector of threats long gone and those yet to arrive. I had the moral purpose of showing him what the world had become; somehow, he showed me the courage to dispute it. Together, we faced a rogue state that threatened to tear our freedom apart. At that moment, I realized that history and the future combine to restrict our ambitions. Sometimes, enemies come in the most unexpected forms. With each challenge we forge ahead, there’s always room for opportunity, especially amidst chaos. And with a new opportunity, a new leader assumes dominion. Nu Jazz Description In the heart of a mega c

What is Manga? part 2

What is Manga - is a research-based unit/tutorial plan for Year 10 students
> Free to use and alter

Recommended (prior) reading:  Part 1 

Part 2: Creation of a Manga Badge

Learning Requirements:

  • Develop the skills to employ digital software to design effective designs.

Success Criteria:

  • You will demonstrate a greater understanding of what is a good Manga Badge design.
  • You will demonstrate greater skills in applying Inkscape as a vector design tool.

Expectations Summary

Expectation 1:

You are expected contribute to the Forum: Manga Badge Skill Development by addressing 4 requirements. (Teacher sets up an online forum/discussion board)
  • Requirement 1: You will upload an example of a Manga Badge (an internet search)and reflect on why you chose it.
  • Requirement 2: Inkscape Basic Shapes Tutorial
  • Requirement 3: Inkscape - Drawing a cartoon
  • Requirement 4: Inkscape - Draw an icon
Requirements 1 to 4 are to be uploaded into the online forum/discussion board.
WARNING: The Forum is a place where you are able to comment on each other's work. You must respect each other's ideas and thoughts. NO TROLLING is allowed.

Expectation 2:

  • You will create your own Manga Badge.
    Submission of your Manga Badge can  only appear once you have completed the requirements of the forum/discussion board

Expectations Details - Expectation 1

Requirement 1: Investigate an example of a Manga Badge.

You will upload an example of a Manga Badge into the Database: Manga Badge Skill Development and reflect on why you chose it

Badges by Cheila

Investigation Task - Instructions

  • You are to search the internet to find an example of a good Manga badge/icon
  • You are to download it and then upload the image into this forum (Teacher setup)
  • You are to enter the following details
    • the name of the creator,
    • the URL address
    • date you downloaded the Manga badge/icon Image
    • Reflect on what principle of design is the Manga Badge strongest feature, and why.

5  Design Principles for good badge/logo design

  • Select one and reflect (elaborate) on why you chose this design principle.
    • Simple
    • Memorable
    • Timeless
    • Versatile
    • Appropriate
More information on the 5 Design Principles: 

Requirement 2: Inkscape Abstract Design using basic shapes

This activity requires you to:

  • Complete 2 video tutorials and 
  • Upload an Experimental Abstract Design into Requirement 2: Inkscape Basic Shapes FORUM (Forum set up by Teacher)

  1. Video tutorial 1: Inkscape Basics - Tools
  2. Video tutorial 2: Predefined Shapes - Rectangles
  3. UPLOAD: Experimental abstract design - using Inkscape's basic shapes & functions.

Video tutorial 1: Inkscape Basics - Tools

This video tutorial demonstrates 

  • the basics of drawing tools of Inkscape,
  • and the basic functions of Inkscape

  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the tutorial whilst watching the video.

Video tutorial 2: Predefined Shapes - Rectangles

This video tutorial demonstrates 
  • the basics of rectangles and rounded rectangles,
  • then building up to more advanced features of using rectangles to create 3D shapes.
  1. Watch the video.
  2. Complete the tutorial whilst watching the video.

UPLOAD: Experimental abstract design

How? By using Inkscape's basic shapes & functions.

After watching and following Video tutorial 1 and Video tutorial 2 you are required to:
  • Experiment with Inkscape tools to create an Abstract design
  • Export abstract design as: yournameAbstact.png
  • UPLOAD: Requirement 2: Inkscape Basic Shapes Tutorial
  • Provide a short statement 
    • on what you were trying to achieve, and 
    • some positive feedback on other abstracts created by your classmates
    • refer to the 5 Design Principles

  • Have some fun: I'm looking for fun and originality
  • To upload your completed LadyBird On Leaf you will need to export the svg file to a png. 
  • When uploading the png file make sure the image in no bigger than 500 px in any direction.
Example of Abstract using basic tools, shapes, and rectangles

Requirement 3 - Drawing a cartoon

Requirement 3 activity: Instructions
  1. Complete a video tutorial: LadyBird On Leaf by Tip-Top Lab,
  2. Upload your completed LadyBird On Leaf into Requirement 3: Inkscape - Drawing a cartoon FORUM. (Forum set up by Teacher)
  3. and reflect on your learning gained, whilst completing the LadyBird On Leaf tutorial.
  • To upload your completed LadyBird On Leaf you will need to export the svg file to a png. 
  • When uploading the png file make sure the image in no bigger than 500 px in any direction.
Requirement 3 activity: Video tutorial 3,  Ladybird On Leaf

Ladybird on Leaf Tutorial
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a vector graphic of a ladybird on leaf. 

Tutorial created by Tip-Top Lab 

Requirement 4: Draw a Badge

Requirement 4 activity: Instructions
  1. Complete a video tutorial: Draw a Badge,
  2. Upload your completed Badge into Requirement 4: Inkscape - Drawing a Badge
  3. and reflect on your learning gained, whilst completing the Badge tutorial.
  • To upload your completed Badge you will need to export the svg file to a png. 
  • When uploading the png file make sure the image in no bigger than 500 px in any direction.
Requirement 4 activity: Video tutorial 4, Draw a Badge

Create an Elegant Badge
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a professional looking badge. 

Tutorial created by Nick Saporito

Expectations Details - Expectation 2

Creation of a Manga Badge

It is expected that you will create your own Manga Badge employing Inkscape.
  • Design and create a Manga Badge using Inkscape software
  • You are to submit the original svg file
Your Badge must demonstrate your skills through your;
  • use of shapes tools
  • illustration (eg cartoon of something recognizable)
  • text (Typography)
To successfully complete this, you must have completed:
  • Requirement 1: Investigate an example of a Manga Badge.
  • Requirement 2: Inkscape Abstract Design using basic shapes.
  • Requirement 3: Drawing a cartoon.
  • Requirement 4: Draw a Badge.

What is Manga? Part 3

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