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A Lovers Paradise

 George Brown Botanical Gardens: A Lovers' Paradise Let the beauty of George Brown Botanical Gardens be the backdrop for your love story. It's more than a visit; it's an experience you'll treasure forever. The Allure of Botanical Gardens for Couples Let's be honest – botanical gardens are inherently romantic. The lush greenery, colourful flowers, and tranquil atmosphere create a natural backdrop for love to blossom. Whether in the early stages of a relationship or celebrating years together, there's something undeniably special about strolling hand-in-hand through nature's beauty. Why George Brown Stands Out While any botanical garden holds romantic potential, the George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens elevates the experience. Situated in the heart of Darwin, this tropical oasis offers a unique blend of exotic plants, enchanting pathways, and hidden corners perfect for whispered secrets and stolen kisses. More Than Just Plants Sure, the plant collection is impr

Australian Bogan Word list

Bogan Word list

How many of these words will Aussie pollies drop this election?
Anzac, Anzacs, Anzac Day (i.e. Australian and New Zealand Army Corps)
Aria Awards, Arias (music awards presented by the Australian Recording Industry Association; the Australian equivalent of the Grammys and the Brits)
asylum-seeker (someone who has applied for asylum in a country not their own and who is awaiting a decision as to their status as a refugee)
bloody (colloquial, intensifier signifying approval or disapproval)
bludger (colloquial, a lazy person who lives off the generosity of others)
bogan (colloquial, mildly derogatory, a person, generally from an outer suburb of a city or town and from a lower socioeconomic background, viewed as uncultured)
bonzer (not bonza) (colloquial, excellent)
boofhead (colloquial, a fool, typically a male)
bro, bra, budda, brudda (all are acceptable, male friend or relative)
burl (“Give it a burl!”) (colloquial, to make an attempt)
cab sav (colloquial, cabernet sauvignon)
chardy (colloquial, chardonnay)
Chrissie pressie (colloquial, Christmas present)
cossie (colloquial, abbreviation, swimming costume)
coward punch (term adopted by the Australian media and lawmakers to refer to king hit/one-punch assaults)
daggy (colloquial, 1. dirty; slovenly; unpleasant. 2. conservative and lacking in style, especially in appearance)
deadly (colloquial, excellent)
derro (colloquial, a vagrant, especially one with an unkempt or unhealthy appearance)
devvo (colloquial, abbreviation, devastated)
dole (payment by the government to an unemployed person)
doona (a bedspread)
Down Under (colloquial, Australia)
durry (colloquial, a cigarette)
esky (colloquial, a portable icebox)
festy (colloquial, abbreviation, infested, dirty or nasty)
footy, football (both terms can refer to either Australian rules football or rugby league, but not soccer)
Fuckin’ ‘ell (colloquial, a curse that indicates surprise)
g’day (colloquial, abbreviation, good day)
galah (1. a small cockatoo endemic to Australia. 2. colloquial, a fool, who is more often than not an empty-headed individual)
goon (1. a thug. 2. a stupid person. 3. cheap wine)
goon bag (colloquial, the bladder from a cheap cask of wine)
houso (colloquial, derogatory, a person who lives in a housing commission home, typically funded by state or federal government; use with care)
idiot box (colloquial, a television set)
jackaroo (a young man working on a sheep or cattle station)
jillaroo (a young woman working on a sheep or cattle station)
kindy (abbreviation, kindergarten)
kindergarten (first year of schooling, term used in ACT and New South Wales)
larrikin (colloquial, an uncultivated, mischievous, often good-hearted person)
Macca’s (colloquial, abbreviation, the fast-food chain McDonald’s)
maggotmaggoted (colloquial, the state of being when you’ve imbibed a bit too much)
mozzie (colloquial, abbreviation, mosquito)
nah (colloquial, no)
nark (colloquial, 1. an informer. 2. a complaining person. 3. someone who is always interfering and spoiling the pleasure of others; spoilsport.)
nipper (colloquial, a junior lifesaver)
ocker (colloquial, the archetypal uncultivated Australian)
one-punch law (a law creating a special category of manslaughter for perpetrators of fatal king hit assaults, with harsher penalties than are possible for manslaughter)
onya (colloquial, good on you!)
outback, the (remote, sparsely inhabited country often romanticised in Australian literature and film)
pants (trousers; rarely underwear)
pash (colloquial, to kiss, passionately)
pash rash (colloquial, the rash around one’s lips when the kissing was too prolonged and perhaps too passionate. Typically suffered during school years 8-12)
pav (colloquial, abbreviation, pavlova, a dessert made of whipped, cooked egg whites and sugar)
pinger (an ecstasy pill)
pollie speak (colloquial, a term used to describe political spin or talking points used by politicians at public or media events)
pot (also called a handle or middy. A glass of beer of approximately 285ml)
prep (first year of schooling, term used in Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria)
pre-primary (first year of schooling, term used in Western Australia)
program (in all instances)
quid, make a (colloquial, money)
rack off (colloquial, “go away, please”)
ranga (colloquial, derogatory, a red-headed person)
rekt (abbreviation, wrecked; colloquial, exhausted; ill or weak because of fatigue or overindulgence in food, drink, etc.)
rellies (colloquial, blood relatives, family)
root (colloquial, 1. an act of sexual intercourse. 2. a sexual partner, e.g. she was an easy root)
ropeable (colloquial, extremely angry or bad-tempered)
schoolie (chiefly in Qld and NSW, a high school student who has completed their final exams)
schoolies week (a week in which aforementioned schoolie travels to a designated place to party/holiday together)
schooner (a glass of beer of approximately 425ml)
scull (colloquial, to consume [a drink] at one draught)
servo (colloquial, abbreviation Service station)
shorts (short trousers; not underwear)
soccer (a game commonly referred to as football in pretty much all other countries in the world bar the US)
Speedo (a brand of swimming costume)
speedos (a close-fitting swimming costume made of some synthetic fabric and used especially in competitive swimming, for men comprising a pair of briefs. Also known as budgie-smugglers)
Straya (vernacular, Australia)
strewth (colloquial, abbreviation, an exclamation expressing surprise)
tinnie (colloquial, 1. a can of beer. 2. a boat with an aluminium hull)
tinny (colloquial, lucky)
tracky dacks (colloquial, sportswear, tracksuit pants)
tradie (a tradesperson)
try-hard (a person who attempts to make friends and influence people without success)
un-Australian (not Australian in character)
undies (colloquial, abbreviation underwear)
wag (colloquial, to not attend school or work, not to be mistaken for the acronym)
vego (colloquial, a vegetarian)
wog (colloquial, derogatory, loosely used to describe someone foreign in origin, especially of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance; use with care)
XXXX (pronounced Four X, a brand of beer popular in Queensland)
yakka (colloquial, typically associated with the phrase “hard yakka”, physical labour)
year 1-13 (schooling for those ages 6-18)
zonked (colloquial, exhausted. Also zonked out)

Nicola Harvey
BuzzFeed Staff, Australia

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