In a bustling, futuristic mega-city street stands an autonomous robotic statue resembling a 19th-century neoclassical hero, with an all-seeing gaze, reminding us of authoritative power and influence. Nu Jazz Description In the heart of a mega city, amidst the bustle of 21st-century crowds, statues long forgotten stir to life. These once grand figures, now sleek, metallic sentinels, glide silently across the cityscape. Once symbols of history, they’ve become the guardians of a new age. Their mechanical limbs move harmoniously with the city’s rhythm, scanning, watching, and protecting. The past has been retooled for the present. No longer marble and bronze, they are now steel and circuit, a testament to the fusion of past grandeur with future innovation. Keywords Melbourne, statues, robots, crowd control, public spaces, futuristic, art, transformation, technology, urban guardians. Hashtags #Robots #FuturisticArt #UrbanGuardians #
It seems that all you really need to survive and feel rested is the REM phase, which is only a tiny portion of your actual sleep phases at night. You only spend 1-2 hours in REM sleep during any given night, and the rest is wasted on the other seemingly useless phases.
The way to hack yourself into entering REM sleep without being exhausted is to trick your body into thinking you’re going to get a tiny amount of sleep. You can train it to enter REM for short periods of time throughout the day in 20-minute naps rather than in one lump at night.
Remarkably, adding just one nap during the day shaves an hour and forty minutes off your total sleep requirement.
Powernapping Scientific experiments and anecdotal evidence suggest that an average power-nap duration of around 1 - 2 hours is most effective.Mitsuo Hayashi, Ph.D. and Tadao Hori, Ph.D.have demonstrated that a nap improves mental performance even after a full night sleep.
REM sleep, this particular sleep state is highly conducive to fluid reasoning and flexible thought.
REM sleep in adult humans typically occupies 20-25% of total sleep, about 90-120 minutes of a night's sleep. During a normal night of sleep, humans usually experience about 4 or 5 periods of REM sleep; they are quite short at the beginning of the night and longer toward the end. Many animals and some people tend to wake, or experience a period of very light sleep, for a short time immediately after a bout of REM.
During REM, the activity of the brain's neurons is quite similar to that during waking hours. Vividly recalled dreams mostly occur during REM sleep.
....the link between creativity, dreams, and sleep behaviors, researchers discovered that participants who were classified as "fast sleepers" (those who fell asleep quickly) were more likely to score highly on a creativity test, participants who scored highly on a creativity test were more likely to solve their problems through dreams and to fall asleep quickly, and adults in creative occupations have significantly more dream distortion, visual mentation, and regressive dream content
........after sleep there is an increased insight, that is, a sudden gain of explicit knowledge. Thus during sleep the representation of new memories are restructured.
The Boardroom Knight Video Poem The Cultural Landscape of Boardroom Knights The Culture of Boardrooms The Cultural Landscapes of Boardrooms John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an independent artist. You can subscribe to JJFB's work via Blogger , YouTube , Flicker , Facebook , Instagram and Deviant Art . If you want to support his art creation, you can sponsor JJFBbennett through PayPal or a subscription via Patreon here . If you want to acquire JJFB's art creations as an NFT - John's Opensea NFT profile is Be Creative and Innovative with Knowledge Copyright This artwork is protected by U.S. and International copyright laws. Distribution and/or modification of the artwork without written permission of the sponsor is prohibited.
Delicate Water Lillies Bloom Poem: Morning's glow, lilies pure, a sight serene, ecosystem's heart, food, shelter given, beauty appreciated, nature is beautiful. Description: Embrace the serenity of morning light as delicate water lilies bloom in a symphony of pure beauty. This short film captures the essence of these aquatic wonders, highlighting their role as both symbols of tranquillity and vital components of a thriving ecosystem. Nu JAZZ: Key Words: Water Lilies, Morning Light, Nature's Beauty, Serenity, Ecosystem, Aquatic Flowers, Purity, Short Film, Nature Inspiration, Environmental Awareness Hashtags: #WaterLilies #MorningMagic #NatureLovers #Serenity #Ecosystem #AquaticLife #FloralBeauty #ShortFilm #NatureInspiration #EnvironmentalAwareness #SaveOurPlanet #NatureVideography #NaturePhotography #PeacefulMoments #Mindfulness Be Creative and Innovative with Knowledge John Bennett - AKA JJFBbennett, is an in
Out and Missing The city never sleeps, and neither do I. As the sun dips below the horizon, a different world awakens and pulses with an intoxicating mix of energy and mystery. I'm Missing Out and Wide Awake Poem The metropolis lights flicker. My wide eyes. My racing pulse. I'm in fear of missing out. But when stillness descends. I am fully awake. Description The city never sleeps, and neither do I. As the sun dips below the horizon, a different world awakens and pulses with an intoxicating mix of energy and mystery. Nighttime in a mega city is a spectacle to behold—neon lights cutting through the darkness, the distant hum of traffic, and the allure of something always happening just around the corner. It's in these moments, wide awake and watching the city unfold, that I feel alive, and yet, there's a nagging feeling of anticipation as if I'm missing out on something intriguing. Nu JAZZ Keywords Megacity ni
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