Darwin streets on a motorcycle: James Hird

Leadership and the scream of fault.

It seems to go so slow,
Then when it happens, it seems so fast.
Once within,'
Once within a psychological grip,
Once within responsive emergence,
Once within reptilian consciousness.

The scream of fault,
The empathy, the denial, the bloodlet.
Only baggage from this point on.

Where does James Hird find gain?
What responsibilities should I pass onto his burden?
How many opinions should he attend to?
Within this dangerous intersection of loss.

How do leaders gain the necessary abilities to enter and navigate dangerous intersections.
Once the path is enacted on, the configuration of artifacts morph.
The unseen is then seen.

The terms of what I now see are the outputs of Hirds decisions.
I have been altered by Hird's decisions
I now exert my opinion on Hird's decisions.

When does the collective actions stop and reset.
When does normality resume control?
Within a new place
On a new map
within a new landscape.
A new environment of values and expectations.
A new normality

Turn off and reset
your abilities, your achievements and understandings.
A historic cultural statement is to be told.

The intersection is seemingly passive, under the control of purpose.
When error occurs it's a death intersection.

If it is so hard to see danger in this intersection, how is it possible within a point in life.

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