Celeste The Dog Within

All national efforts have been carved up
All of the brick and mortar
All cultural artifact
Historical parasite continue to impact

All future efforts have been fated by past decisions
An echo chamber mindset
Reinforced through bio-morphic resistance

The degree of better has forever been tempered

A massacre of ghosts continue to gather
Of previous authority
Of righteousness
As we rejoiced and then sing like dogs

Whilst our platforms are constructed on limited and non-existent knowledge
We seek expedient opportunism
Aspirations undercut and underscored by an incremental promise
Ex-post-facto cut and slash away

Forlorn and miserable
At loss with hope
The endless churn
The hoopla barks
The campaigning power brokers
Lavished in the playground of unresolved conflict
Tic for Tac

Another cyclic dilemma
Yes, here we go again
Driven by manifesto
Forever subsequent
Forever doomed to never ask the basic question

We locked ourselves into a trajectory of self-preservation
And like a war dog
Unmercifully slaughter the enemy

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