Education Drivers (Fullan)
- personalised
- student centred
- capacity
- systemness
System Needs & Change (Clayton Christensen)
- efficiency (faster & cheaper)
- sustaining (improve current system needs),
- disruptive (make complicated solutions simpler)
- Technologies
- internet
- ubiquitous
- mobile
- efficient (cost and HR support)
- rich content
Purpose and Target
Doing the same things the same way will not work
Move from a centralised authority to a discreet and targeted system
- focus on targeted client audiences (not at the system middle)
- view schools as interconnected cottage industries
- focus on teaching and learning work practices (Hattie)
- Why, then how then what
Innovation and Culture
- innovation is as important for leaders as strategy and operational excellence
- Innovation to enable continuous improvement (not big bang)
- Disciplined, deliberate, relentless
- Developing business units culture, artefacts and explicit purpose.
- Identify school site culture and focus on variants of service.
- One size doesn't fit all.
- Nurture the demand to develop program flavours
Research (Hattie) and targeted application
- Packages of support based on the following the big influences on learning
- Student self-assessment/self-grading
- Response to intervention
- Teacher credibility
- Providing formative assessments
- Classroom discussion
- Teacher clarity
- Feedback
- Reciprocal teaching
- Teacher-student relationships fostered
- Spaced vs. mass practice
- Meta-cognitive strategies taught and used
- Acceleration
- Classroom behavioral techniques
- Vocabulary programs
- Repeated reading programs
- Creativity programs
- Student prior achievement
- Self-questioning by students
- Study skills
- Problem-solving teaching
- Not labeling students
- Concept mapping
- Cooperative vs individualistic learning
- Direct instruction
- Tactile stimulation programs
- Mastery learning
- Worked examples
- Visual-perception programs
- Peer tutoring
- Cooperative vs competitive learning
- Phonics instruction
- Student-centered teaching
- Classroom cohesion
- Peer influences
- Classroom management techniques
- Outdoor-adventure programs
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