Time and Distraction reflection

Time and Distraction reflection

  • Reflection on competing needs
Plan to Plan
  • Start the day with a 10-minute planning space
Delegate to technology
  • Use technology effectively to cut out duplication and repetition
Use a variety of memory-based approaches
  • Hearing, Text, Visual and Tactile
Enable Planning
  • Learning Planning processes
  • Remove Procrastination
  • Self reflect on organizational practices
  • Develop a can-do mindset
I Can't Get My Work Done:
  • An hour per day of distracted time translates into $10,375 of wasted productivity per person per year, assuming an average salary of $30/hour. 
  • That is more than the average U.S. driver will spend this year to own and maintain a car, according to the Automobile Association of America (AAA). 
  • Toggling between multiple applications/windows/tabs/items on the desktop contributes to the problem of distraction, along with using multiple devices at the same time. 
  • 45% of survey respondents keep at least six items open simultaneously, and 65% report using one to three desktop or mobile devices in addition to their main computer.
From Associated Content: a few active steps you can take to minimize distractions:
  • Know yourself and what distracts you
  • Change your atmosphere if necessary (turn down or up the music, for instance)
  • Limit computer distractions to certain times of the day or a certain number of times (such as checking your email 3 xs/day)
  • Don’t take calls unless convenient for you; you can call back
  • Shorten conversations with coworkers
Email Distraction
  • According to a 2007 study by Loughborough University academic, Thomas Jackson, most of us reply to e-mails immediately - many within six seconds. Then it takes at least a minute to recover our thoughts. Not long after, more e-mails arrive, with more checking, and so on.

You Tube


  1. And ironically I found this post through Twitter while sitting down to write a post myself.

    I agree, it's a constant battle to stay on track. When I'm working I often shut Twitter off completely, those little flashes that something new has arrived are too tempting. I try to deal with email twice a day - when I get up I go through and delete, then at the end of the day I answer things I've had a chance to think about.

    At least that's the aim!


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