Multimodal SLIM challenge

School Leaders in the Making Program

Challenge Title: 21st Century Multimodal Learning

Purpose: Today’s students are the 21st century students whose lifetime experiences are enriched with using digital technologies. They need to develop 21st century skills to become the valued skilled workers, entrepreneurs, innovators and global citizens of tomorrow
The Department is working to meet the needs of the 21st century student through the provision of a rigorous curriculum, technologies of today and expert teachers inspiring learning with passion and purpose
This project is purposed to;
  • introduce innovative technologies into schools,
  • change teaching practices,
  • align with the Australian Curriculum, and
  • inspire learning.

Benefits: The benefits to teachers and students should;
  • ensure that the selected technologies will meet the demands of the curriculum,
  • employ technologies which are accessible in daily life, and
  • gain digital fluency skills.

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