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Head on Fire

 What is the cognitive cost of efficiency? Description In pursuing heightened human resource productivity, we often mistake efficient output for genuine progress, failing to recognise the cognitive cost that diminishes human flourishing and deep understanding from which true innovation and lasting value arise. Key Words Efficiency Cost, Cognitive Cost, Work Burnout, Mental Exhaustion, Work Stress, Productivity Paradox, Human Resource Productivity, Cognitive Overload, Brain Burnout, The Race for Efficiency, Cognitive Decline from Efficiency, Cost of Hyper-Efficiency, Efficiency and Mental Health, Human Flourishing at Work, Deep Thinking vs. Efficiency, Sustainable Productivity, Mindful Work Practices, Cognitive Well-being in the Workplace, Impact of Efficiency on Human Resources, Dehumanizing Efficiency, Workplace Mental Health Crisis, Burning Head Businessman, Exploding Head Metaphor, Burnout Illustration, Cognitive Overload Visual, Surreal Work Stress Image, Dark Business Burnout,...

Photo Darwin Dinghy

I placed all of my meanings into the departure
But I realised that a dinghy was not sufficient
So I place all effort into wealth creation
Which soon turned into job satisfaction
Which became and is now a work-life in-balance
And that in there is the simplicity of my dilemma

Will I regret not taking the next step forward
A step forward where my dedication is in making a difference
Where I can say I made a decision to make things better
Or a step forward where my dedication is in making self-sense
Where I can lose myself within meaning

I tow my dinghy for this reason
For I may have a change of heart
Else, should a tragedy force a course of action
Gasping, trying, enduring
In the hope that it is the essential me which cannot be reconciled
In self
In service

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