iPADS & Convergence Culture

iPADS are now an important learning tool within the 21st Century school environment. Schools need to view creative media as one of the key "learning corner stones" of the contemporary classroom.

Classrooms should enable students to express their cultural situation, their stories and knowledge expressions whilst employing creative technologies such as iPADs.

This need is well stated  by  Henry Jenkins re: "Convergence Culture". If you don't know Henry Jenkins play this video;

A relatively new animation media app for the iPADS enables students to self express in an immediate and rewarding manner. The app looks fun and engaging. The app is called Blush Undivided Video. Check out the app via YouTube

There is a change in who develops the content. It is important that students are engaged in creativity via "content creation". Rich media content development should not be the sole domain of the teacher. iPAD apps and the convergent culture are helping to redefine the role of the teacher. The sage on the stage should cease and the meddler in the middle should emerge.


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