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A Lovers Paradise

 George Brown Botanical Gardens: A Lovers' Paradise Let the beauty of George Brown Botanical Gardens be the backdrop for your love story. It's more than a visit; it's an experience you'll treasure forever. The Allure of Botanical Gardens for Couples Let's be honest – botanical gardens are inherently romantic. The lush greenery, colourful flowers, and tranquil atmosphere create a natural backdrop for love to blossom. Whether in the early stages of a relationship or celebrating years together, there's something undeniably special about strolling hand-in-hand through nature's beauty. Why George Brown Stands Out While any botanical garden holds romantic potential, the George Brown Darwin Botanic Gardens elevates the experience. Situated in the heart of Darwin, this tropical oasis offers a unique blend of exotic plants, enchanting pathways, and hidden corners perfect for whispered secrets and stolen kisses. More Than Just Plants Sure, the plant collection is impr

09 Moodleposium Day 1 & 2

Moodleposium 7-8 September, 2009 Canberra

jjfbbennett notes

The Moodleposium was fantastic - Many Universities are moving to Moodle as their WEBCT license comes to an end. 3 cheers for blackboard for making Moodle 'the option' as it turns 2.

Official site Moodleposium

Moodle session 1 Keynote Denise Kirpatrick, Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning, Teaching and Quality Open University UK

  • open university is primarily Distance Ed with only 1 lecture room
  • Over 220,000 students with over 8000 lectures & tutors
  • Central academics create content - with media people as support - required an LMS which is easy to create with
  • UK wants to use online to regain academic status - as it has lost its leadership in international education - more effective leadership is required in online eLearning.
  • OU took a while to move to Moodle because big can mean slow to move
    • 2004 selected Moodle
    • Reasons - OU saw Moodle as an opportunity to engage in world wide community - open-source seen as important place to be for education.
  • Course development
    • All course development is team based
    • small teams with short course life - past was based on long course life
    • Preference and movement from not making it up as you go. (This could be an objective for @School NT - courses are managed by faculties or cross school Teams)
  • OU cannot support the high physical resource based subjects
    • Where possible physical materials are made virtual (Rich-media)
      • an example: Rocks replaced by photos with a virtual microscope
      • soon to be an app for iPhone
  • Moodle Calender is important.
    • Central is the Calender is feedback - OU runs multiple calenders
  • Objective is to gain Instant automatic formative assessment (e-assessment)
    • Use of Moodle quiz
  • One place build
    • Use of Moodle and Moodle wiki - one space to remove confusion.
  • Future tools
    • e-books
    • voice function on mobile for language
  • Present tools
    • Asynchronous & Synchronous - Elluminate integration with Moodle
    • Secondlife & Facebook employed
      • integrate Secondlife & Facebook into Moodle.
      • Secondlife offers a sense of place
      • Example given of doing a science experiment (can't go past go until certain experiments are completed.
      • Social life is important for education for engagement. (@School NT needs students to be able to effectively operate in a virtual social environment)
  • OU needs data for course development marketing & changing perspectives.
    • Competing forces for shrinking $s
    • Moodle provides data
  • Staff development
    • Communities of practice almost sustaining itself
      • Use
      • Teachers need rewards, incentives and recognitions (@School NT needs to consider these as teachers move from 0.2 release support)
      • Reward those who adapt and reuse. for quick course development
  • Moodle - modification vs Vanilla
    • OU has questioned how far do you modify but stay within the moodle environment.
    • Modification can make upgrading complicated
    • OU wants to share is - Sharing is more important than modification
    • All OU created blocks and Modules are passed back into
    • Present tough economics means efficiencies -
      • Course development efficiencies
      • User contributed efficiencies
      • Formative assessment efficiencies
      • Communication efficiencies
  • Student Access
    • Identified bottom poor supplied with laptop and broadband.
    • Digital literacy is important for all students for society participation.
  • Intellectual and copyright management is a big workload. (@School NT requires an AO who works with Intellectual Property position to comply all courses)
  • OU is building a future based business.
    • Moodle is modular and can incorporate change
    • Need to look forward - What impact is web 3

Moodle session 2: Management Lessons Learned Leaders from Massey U, CIT, OU, ANU, CU

  • Canberra Institute of Technology CIT moved from WEBct to Moodle
    • Technologies -> WIMBA, Moodle, Equella
    • Netspot manages the suit (@School NT should consider employing Netspot services)
    • CIT entering into pilot stage with Moodle
  • CIT manages large scale staff PD
  • Students access headsets & webcams in bookshops (@School NT should consider the same)

  • Massey University New Zealand Mark Brown
    • largest distance Ed provider in NZ 18000 students
    • moved from WEBct to Moodle

  • Today's earners have new expectations
    • investing in our digital future
      • digital literacy is essential for graduates
    • Investigating scenarios in social learning
    • Google generation
    • Knowledge generating society
  • adoption of Moodle - project methodology
  • Massey University has a project assurance position
    • To assure quality of service
  • Rebranded Moodle as stream
  • Contracts a private organisation similar to Netspot
  • Course development is not individual based
    • Faculty team based
    • Aims to break down silos within organisations
  • Finding staff who can work within digital literacies is a challenge

    Australia National University

  • Moodle rebadged as wattle
  • huge campus and is an on-campus site
  • one campus but 7 independent academic schools
    • bringing in Moodle across 7 areas has been a challenge
    • Agreement has occurred
  • Netspot hosts
  • Interest note: limited parking influences subject availability
    • This influence altered with Moodle
    • With online enrolment via Moodle some subject enrolments substantially grew.
    • Lectures streamed to Moodle
  • Student use
    • 2002 less than 10000 hits on WEBCT
    • 2009 -1500000 hits per month
  • Professional Development
    • 1st wave Professional Development (Skills based) in Moodle tools
    • 2nd wave Professional Development in Moodle pedagogy

    University of Canberra

  • Moved from WEBct to Moodle
    • 2007 moved to Moodle
    • 2008 pilot 50 courses
    • April 2009 97% undergraduate have some Moodle use
      • no WEBct in 2009
      • 1500 Moodle units
  • Netspot helped with quick uptake
  • Communication is essential for Teacher, Admin and Executive buy in
    • need to use Moodle name to for buy-in
  • Pedagogy
    • Biggest focus to move to Constructivist from Instructivist
  • From the Audience
    • movement from WEBct to Moodle because WEBct was closing down
    • Blackboard too expensive
    • Janison NSW department decided not to go with janison
      • Most of TAFE NSW chose Moodle over Janison
      • Janison was seen as an Instructivist
      • Moodle seen as more constructivist

Moodle session 3: Martin Dougiamas

Moodle Creator

  • There are over 500 sites with over 10000 users
  • 21 million users 47000 installs
  • Communities need a driver to get established
    • has an established community
    • Aims to extend the possibilities of communities
  • Moodle 2.0
  • Key areas for Moodle development
    • Administration, control, integration, usability, pedagogy
  • Moodle heading towards integrating many technologies iPhone & flash
    • Moodle to have the architecture to be wired up many devices via API
  • New focus
    • Better activity and course completion capacity
    • Student progress tracking
    • Link image repositories to image dialog > flicker and other proprietary image database
  • Check out new tools via
  • New Tool - record from webcam in Moodle
    • New side panel that pops out - making a better look
  • Portfolio capacity
    • Push out to Flickr, Google docs and other content repositories
    • Google
      • There is a strong integration with Google docs and Gmail
      • Google uses moodle for training
    • Moodle now works with ms webmail (Good for @School NT - need to check it out)
  • Pedagogy Focus
    • It seems most LMS don't get past content "dump and push mentality"
      • Avoid "dump and push" by combining the activities into sequences that leads into other areas
      • learning design is important or dump and push will dominate.
    • Some get to passive forum
      • Teachers need to facilitate forms
      • Teachers need to be active drivers
    • Some get to quizzes
    • Need to get wikis, glossary content via social collaboration
      • User contribution is important
  • Advise to move away from @dump and push
    • Introduction external activities & games
    • Use peer review modules like workshop
    • Employ survey tools and logs to study and reflect on engagement
    • Share ideas by becoming involved in active research communities
  • Moodle Vision
    • Moodle now will focus on pedagogy for the 2.x series
    • Moodle hub
      • connecting sites
      • hubs registered on
      • users can search across hubs
      • ordinary site + publishing site + community site

Moodle session 4, 5 & 6

Netspot Mark Drechsler

  • Netspot can alter Moodle (@School NT to negotiate with Netspot)
    • Provide surety of modules and blocks
    • Provide surety of upgrades
    • best thing about Moodle is it's capacity to plugging
    • Netspot can make Moodle flexible without side effects

  • Lightbox plug-in - This is very polished gallery plug-in
  • Feedback plug-in - This will provide a fully functional survey capacity

  • UPGRADE 2 - Advise
    • Moodle 2 should run faster than 1.9php 5.2.8
    • php is advised to Linix
    • MS SQL is a risk
    • mysql is the preferred

  • Reasons to seek Netspot support
    • files on disk will be moved
    • roles and permissions change
    • small sites no problems - should be OK for @School NT
      • big site may take hours
    • most 3rd party modules will break
    • themes now have power

    Vanilla vs Flavour

  • Vanilla is Moodle as it downloads
    • Flavor is Moodle altered
  • Glossaries should be used as they provide automated knowledge
    • strength is in auto link
    • student entry is favourable - user developed content
    • can export glossaries from one to another

  • There was a interest is the question - what motivates students to read & write?

  • FLEX:ED CIT - Kerry Traninger
  • 10 weeks to create a full course with graphic design support
  • Advise
    • Focus on authentic learning
    • Use adapted webquests
    • Have ice breakers
  • use rich media like YouTube
  • Physics: electromagnetic spectrum song

  • University of Canberra
    • Template warning: course list - can be unmanageable
    • Use mymoodle on login
      • This gives enrolled courses, announcements, grades and announcements
  • Developing a select filter for courses

  • trying not to get teacher developers stuck on the escalator
    • Use and apply user generated content and already created content
    • Teachers as rich media developers are at risk on getting stuck.
  • Employ modules rather than hack Moodle
    • Hacking is no good for upgrades
  • Moodle is a box of options
    • teachers use what tool they need
    • Use options such as OpenID, podcast, mahara, LAMS etc
    • mahara is an opensource portfolio - can plug into Moodle
    • Lightbox is an excellent image gallery
    • second life sloodlemolacule editor
    • Google full integration
    • Edumate - student management - creates courses in moodle - push & pull data
    • ldap tree can create and populate - seek Netspot assistance
    • Accordian & tabs settings - teachers can choose in course setting
    • Course menu in Moodle 2 is better than Accordian
    • Book module is a must
      • Large web pages broken into smaller pages
      • Resource files placed into pages
      • book module can be scormed
    • certificate module - for completion of modules
    • Dialogue module - messages between teacher and students
      • This is far better than email
    • - check it out
    • dimdim module
    • skype can be used within user profiles
  • When course finishes reset after backup
    • Backup zip course can be upload into SharePoint or archived

Moodle session 7 & 8

Massey university

  • Massey University courses are free but pay for assessment
    • Lecturers have a significant assessment time load
    • Multiple Lecturers assess the same course
  • Lightwork - assessment tool developed by Massey University
    • lightwork requires a client - not an Internet based tool. it downloads course assessment students
    • can have multiple assessors
    • connect /download / mark / upload
    • To remove time wasting in assessment
  • Lecturers - many see computers as a distraction
  • Quote: "Bringing change in a university is like shifting a graveyard"
    • I have only 5 years to retirement
    • A perceived "Workload Increase" used as an excuse
  • many courses now require a team management.
  • feedback via audio


  • The Benefits of Web 2.0 are
    • The capacity to share
    • connected knowledge
    • Offers alternatives to content based dump and pump
    • Rapid development via user contributed content
  • Moodle can embed
    • flicker tag shows, Twitter RSS feeds & RSS feeds from Internal Moodle
    • tags on personal profiles can be called upon
  • Moodle wiki is basic however alternatives Ouwiki and Nwiki can be used.
  • Mahara blog integrates with Moodle & is better blog
  • Moodle 2 will have better blogs and wikis (This is perhaps the best option for @School NT)
  • Web 2.0 options
    • Need to consider -> the feature set - the management issues - the risk
    • Need to consider education need vs personal need
  • To employ Web 2.0 consider the risks vs the outcomes
  • 3 Key options
    • module options (Low risks)
    • integrated options (Moderate risks)
    • independent options (High risks)

    Un-Moodling Moodle Options

  • Moodle suffers when there are lots of topics & resources
    • scroll of death
  • To avoid scroll of death
    • replace many pages with a directory
    • use a Moodle book option
    • Use a wiki instead of many index links
    • can get URL of collapsed topics and make a graphical interface
      • Graphical links hit the collapse topic URL

  • moodle unseen YouTube video
  • can hide the bottom topics in course settings
  • course menu block gives a tree on the side - looks good

  • dragmath editor instead of latex math is a better math editor for secondary educators
  • openshare block - open sections to world
  • mymoodle page
    • This should be open on the login
  • Moodle Tricks
    • audio video - highlight space for embed link This makes a more even look
    • dialog good way of tracking communication
      • need to select seperate groups for all participants option is the module settings
      • better than email
  • statistics via Moodle is better than blackboard and WEBct
  • Moodle aims is to be simple
    • "to be simple enough that even teachers can use it"

You Tube


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