Ha Ha

A self-deprecating joke
I murmur in delight of my loss
I just need a reason
Shelter with me
Angel of Death please pass us by
It’s not true that no one needs you anymore
It is the what that is driving my unhappiness
Embellished through enforced competition

Bless my soul
A self-deprecating joke

Wet and drenched
The edge is challenging me
So obedient to all worldly matters
Harbouring my safety 
I murmur in delight of my loss
For this lonely man rides again

You should be building me up
But your system keeps drags me back
I just need a reason
To sail away
In a dream

A nightmare is approaching
Shelter with me
I slam the door shut
Alert and quivering
Resilient and defiant in fear 
Angel of Death please pass us by

It’s not true that no one needs you anymore
But, I just wish I was dead
My vastness of inadequacy
Your judgment is self-honourable
It is the what that is driving my unhappiness
Controlling the damage of my self-worth 
Embellished through enforced competition

The benefits to those who rule
The benefits for those who are ruled
Masters and the slaves
Civilized and savage
Modern and pre-modern

The civilizing mission of non-nations
Registration, surveillance, and control 

In sickness and health
The shaping of minds
A continuum of sickness
A continuum of violence

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